Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yesterday I received the terrible news that my sons biological father died suddenly and tragically. It's awful. My heart is so sad for my baby and for his family. I am also so thankful for the friends & family that we do have. Also I am so thankful to my wonderful husband who has taken to raising Max as his own.


Amy said...

WHAT? i am so sorry for your and max's loss. what a tragedy. so happy you both have someone as wonderful and devoted as henry to help get you through this hard time.

thinking of you guys.

sarah marie. said...

i'm so sorry amber!

noelle said...

oh my gosh, that's terrible. i'm so sorry. i hope max is handling the news okay; i hope you are okay as well. sending you lots of love!

Pedro Garcia Millan said...
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ShaLyse Walker said...

How are you holding up? I was so sad to hear this new on Thursday. Keep me updated and let me know of there's anything I can do.

Amanda said...

Ugg what kind of crappy friend am I. I am so sorry but I will call in you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kevin's Life said...

I am sorry to hear such terrible news. If you need anything, Linsey and I are here.

Linsey said...

Oh Amber, I am SO sorry to hear that. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.