Friday, May 28, 2010

Right now

I'm looking at this beautiful gray and blue sky and I'm thinking about how I should go for a walk and then I think about the lady at work who told me "You look like I feel" and I decided to eat some caramel gelato instead. What are you doing this weekend?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Two years married. Two years since I was a bride. Two years since I should have changed my last name. We spent our anniversary kind of low key. It was just for us. I got a beautiful bouquet of peonies with a big navy bow (I died! That's pic of my nightstand right now), we ate sandwiches at Groves market and took our dogs for a really long walk. Oh and there may have been a box from Louis Vuitton somewhere in there. Henry has this way of making me feel like a Princess and I'm lucky to be his wife. There is just something about being married to him that gives me this sense of security and happiness. Oh and I'm madly in love with him as well...

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I hope the weather stays nice. Today was beautiful! I came home from brunch with my Mom and Aunt to my hubby planting me peonies in the backyard! I'm so ready for a few picnics, bbq's and the smell of fresh cut grass! (Is it weird that 2 of the 3 are food related? hmmm)

Friday, May 14, 2010

And your little dog too!

Apparently my next door neighbor hates my dogs. It's okay they are also not too fond of her (although they are far too polite to ever say so) Nothing like coming home to a notice that animal control has been to your house and that your dogs (that were asleep in their kennel) are a "Nuisance"?!?!


Yesterday was full of waiting. We went to the DMV (UGGGGH), the passport office, had to wait for the UPS guy (my lovely Kate Spade beauties arrived but one was the wrong color), & we also waited for Maxwell at soccer practice. So we watched for a while, walked the dogs for a while and the played with our camera. I took a bunch of Max but you can't really see him. He is very fast you know.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Wednesday

How can you not smile when you see these faces? I know I can't resist them. They are snugglers especially when my Mom's dog Lola (the brunette) comes over for a sleepover. Have a happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Let the awkwardness begin...

Max had his "maturation" also known as "puberty education" yesterday. Here is the last picture of him as a naive little boy. Henry took him on the scooter to the class and boy did awkward questions follow. He would kill me (lucky for me Max does not read my blog) but he got a little sick (i.e: sweaty, Pale and pukey) when they showed the anatomy. Awww he has a weak stomach just like his mommy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's day...

I woke up this morning a little sad. Just being a brat thinking about how I may never get to be pregnant or be a Mom again. Then I was filled with such happiness when Max hugged me, when Henry surprised me with brunch and then made the most amazing dinner for my family, when my own Mom had a Mother's day present for me, amazing kind words from friends and family, and even flowers on my doorstep when I got home tonight from one of my wonderful friends. I was reminded so many times today how lucky I am to have the life that I have. To have the friends and family that I have. I need to remember that. I also need to remember how lucky I am, since it IS Mother's Day, to have my Mom. Many people don't know that my Mom is really funny. She has a huge heart especially when it comes to animals and that she has beautiful taste. I love you Mama!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It flies..

"Time flies", "They grow up fast" and "Before you know it he will be... insert milestone here". These are things parents hear everyday and when Max was very little I felt like I wanted time to fly. I was young and wanted to get out in the world. I wanted to build my life. Looking back at pictures of Max at the ocean makes my heart ache (in a kind of happy way if that makes any sense at all) It seems like just yesterday and also a million years ago at the same time. Max is growing up and becoming such a wonderful young man. He is funny and sweet but not the little boy that wrote "beachland" in the sand and said it seemed "like a different kind of world there" He loves the beach and ran barefoot that day until the sun went down and he was shivering when I wrapped him in a blanket to go back to the hotel. "They grow up fast"