Happy birthday Mommy! Today is my beautiful mother's birthday- so I posted a few of her favorite things 1. diet coke- it's her only true addiction 2. bread pudding- I say eww gross but she can't get enough of it 3. Bruce- it's true my mama LOVES the boss and 4. John Mayer- it might be hereditary because even if I'm a little embarrassed about it I LOVE him too! (I say hereditary others say it's a birth defect) Anyway I love you Mom! Happy Birthday!
I remember when John Mayer used to come on the the screen in BP and you used to get so cheery! And P.S., the 80 degree weather has its perks, but it also means that my beautiful new Marc Jacobs coat has only been worn once :( and I can't really wear my Tory Burch rain/riding boots unless I'm going out (also don't judge about TB, I feel the same way about her shoes that I felt about seven jeans, however these boots have a gold zipper up the front, the logo is not noticeable and they are HOT.)
"I'm going to leave just as soon as this song is over..." Did you hear that he's pitching a show to cbs? Birth defect or not, looks like you and your mom have got a tv date!
I remember when John Mayer used to come on the the screen in BP and you used to get so cheery! And P.S., the 80 degree weather has its perks, but it also means that my beautiful new Marc Jacobs coat has only been worn once :( and I can't really wear my Tory Burch rain/riding boots unless I'm going out (also don't judge about TB, I feel the same way about her shoes that I felt about seven jeans, however these boots have a gold zipper up the front, the logo is not noticeable and they are HOT.)
"I'm going to leave just as soon as this song is over..." Did you hear that he's pitching a show to cbs? Birth defect or not, looks like you and your mom have got a tv date!
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