Today is my wonderful Hubby's 30th birthday!! We have a ton if stuff planned for this weekend! I know I always use wedding photos- but the very talented Amy Furstenau got such great shots (9 months ago yesterday- more on that later). Anyway, Happy Birthday to the one true love of my life- I'm so lucky to have you!
1.Find Penelope Cruz's Oscar acceptance speech (I missed it- but loved the movie) 2. See the following movies: Slumdog, Milk, The Reader, and The Wrestler. 3. Have an Oscar party next year...
My mortal enemy has returned home. The xbox. Not only did it have the nerve to come back but my day off was spent waiting for the UPS guy who was supposed to show between 10-2 but actually showed up around 4. Oh well I guess should be happy for the past two weeks of bliss while it was away being repaired. It would be a shame if something else was to happen to it....
I haven't had much to blog about lately.. but today was one of those perfect days. One spent doing exactly what I wanted slept in (Henry made breakfast and drove Max to school), met with my big brother/ big sister little sister (she is such a sweet little girl), then my hubby and I went to lunch at an Italian deli and then to a cupcake bakery for dessert, then a quick stop at the dog bakery (valentine's for the little loves of my life: Molly & Wil), picked up Max and hit the movies. Have you seen Coraline yet?!? WOW- we saw it in 3-d it was amazing! Now I'm going downstairs to make Max's favorite dinner ( no not pizza like a normal kid artichokes, pesto lamb chops and tomato salad). Maybe I will finish the day by doing some online gossip girl copy cat shopping or I'll just watch 30 rock either way life is good! Oh did I mention my hubby's xbox is broken? :)