I have been neglecting my blog because I have been working so much! But one thing I've been meaning to blog about is Katie's birthday! You know birthdays are very important to me but zero birthdays are even more special so when I stumbled upon this little project I knew it would be perfect for Katie's birthday (please forgive me blog world because I can't remember where I saw the original post being that I look at about 1000 websites everyday!) So my (not really mine but I think we have established that) project went something like this:
1. get a funny/cute/mildly embarrassing photo of a loved one
2. have it blown up (we did it at Kinko's and it was about $60)
3. have all of the following supplies: spray mount, poster board, lots of pretty stamps, address labels, vellum envelopes, an exato knife and husband to use as free labor.
4. mount the photo on to the poster board
5. measure and make a grid (we wanted the photo to be in 30 pieces since it was Katie's 30th birthday)
6. cut the poster into 30 post card puzzle pieces
7. type out address labels
8. hunt down 30 friends and family members and have them write messages to the birthday girl
9. make sure everyone gets them in the mail in a timely manner
10. enjoy know your friend who loves getting cards will recieve 30 surprise letters during her birthday week and gets to put together a "postcard puzzle"
I also had the picture put on a birthday cake so that everyone that wrote a card could see what the post card puzzle looked like. So fun was had by all. Happy birthday Katie!